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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Man as a Being of Spirit and Soul

The lectures in this book were published in Switzerland under the following titles:

  1. Der Mensch Als Geist Und Seelenwesen. Forschungen Vom Gesichtspunkte Der Geisteswissenschaft. (Man As A Being Of Spirit And Soul. Lecture given at Stuttgart, Germany, February 25, 1918)
  2. Die Offenbarungen Des Unbewussten Im Seelenleben, Vom Geisteswissenschaftlichen Gesichtspunkte. (The Psychological Expression Of The Unconscious. Lecture given at Stuttgart, Germany, February 26, 1918)
  3. Die Anthroposophische Geisteswissenschaft Und Die Zivilisationsfragen Der Gegenwart. (The Science Of Spirit And Modern Questions. Lecture given at Hilversum, Holland, February 20, 1921)
I. Man as a Being of Spirit and Soul February 25, 1918
II. The Psychological Expression of the Unconscious February 26, 1918
III. The Science of the Spirit and Modern Questions February 20, 1921